tisdag 18 juni 2019

Kegums 18e overall

Hi another race weekend is over.
This time in Latvia for rd4 of the Emx championship. To be completely honest with you I’m going to have to tell you that for the last couple of weeks my training has been put to side just because I needed to pass all the tests left of the school year, and if not I would probably have needed to do even more school work next year. So for the last couple of probably 4 weeks I’ve been studying and it’s been effecting my training bad. As I have almost not been able to do any sort of training just because I’ve been studying or to tired. Anyway now I have that done and I have a break from school for about 11 weeks and when I get back I will have the “easy” year left just because all the ground principles are done. 
I don’t really know if that effected my weekend in Latvia or if it had to do with something else, I just wasn’t myself. My riding was stressful and I didn’t think things true but for most of the part I got really tired just after 15min into the race. If it had to do with my preparations or if it had to do with the warm climate doesn’t matter because I will make sure I will be back on my old path.

was feeling good, track looked fun and team was set to go also the bikes. Climate was hot but I prepared with food and water. 

Early practice was done and I enjoyed the track as it was a lot of fun, but also hard and difficult. Posted 11th time in group two.
Qualification: I knew I had 30 min to make a good lap but anyway I stressed, but got down an decent lap and was in 13th then I knew I needed to make a new fast lap to be sure to get an decent start position but really struggled with that and did way to many laps and got way to tired. My lap time got pushed down to 15th place and I had to go to the gate in P.30. I was disappointed because I knew all the bad things I did and I was afterwards sure I could of done much better.

Race 1: lined up in 30th got involved in some bar banging on the start straight, but was around 25th place then some corners afterwards a guy slipped and I got stuck beside him and was on the first lap down in 34th place. Had to work hard but got myself into 15th by the middle of the race then I got really tired and got passed back by two other, this feels really wired for me because I’m usually that type of guy that comes hard by the end and makes easy work of the guys being tired but this time it was opposite. I finished of in 17th. 

Race two: made a decent jump of the gate but also this time wasn’t able to get any further up the pack then around 30th place. The track was really demanding and I got tired fast but put myself in 17th again and controlled that until the end. Even tho I almost lost it on the last laps. Also this time got way to tired even tho my feeling on the bike was better this time around I could not proceed. Finished of in 17th. 

Overall for the weekend I finished 18th with a  17th x2 I’m disappointed in myself because this was my time to show everyone what I’m capable of but I wasn’t ready and this makes me feel bad. I will now have more time to work hard for the 3 remaining rounds so that I can be in the hunt for decent position.

 Here there is only one way, and that’s up.

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