tisdag 21 maj 2019

First Swedish junior championship 1a overall

I had a great day at the juniors Swedish championship this weekend in Vrigstad for the first round of the championship.

As it’s only a one day race the report won’t be so long, anyway it was a great day still need to work one some point but overall I felt good an especially in the end of the last race which is positive!
Qualification: track was flat not really any lines and the soil was quite slippery. I did a decent lap in the beginning and was second but 2 seconds of which was to much so I pushed and made some really decent fast laps but ended up 0.3 seconds after the lead.. and I was 2 seconds faster than the 3rd guy. Also the winner had a 250 two stroke which gives quite some advantage at this track.
Race 1: got together whit another rider at the start straight and was quite far in the back of the field on the first lap then just passed guys until it was like 5 laps to go and then I made the pass for the lead, but I was so tired after that ride but anyway came out with the victory.
Race 2: again got together with a rider in the start and was way back.. different for me to start on this type of soil after only practice on the grid.. anyways then did my best to pass but I struggled a bit and was to nice but when I got up to 3rd I found my speed and style and passed to second with 10min +2 to go and I was around 20 seconds behind the leader but then I just road really well and closed the gap big time to finish just 2 seconds after in the last lap and I was just a little bit to far back to make something happen... but I posted the fastest lap time of the race on the final lap and I think I showed everyone I was there to win.

Overall: P.1 and red plate for the next round
Great day who turned out even better, thanks to everyone for the support. I’m now focusing on the next race which is emx250 in France this weekend!

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