måndag 6 maj 2019

3e overall,, Rd2 Swedish Championship

Hi everyone,
Last weekend it was time for the second round of the Swedish championship in Linköping, where I made great progress! Going from a quite rough weekend at the first round to a podium and great feelings! 

Friday: we arrived with everything ready to race and my yz250f was looking really good as always also it arrived a new Just1 gear kit for us JWR riders which was cool. 
The track looked mint, and couldn’t wait to go out and ride it on Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday: started of with free practice and time practice in the morning where I for the first time in a long time made pole position and got to se myself on top of that leaderboard felt awesome! So I knew I had the speed to be on top and battle for the win here!
Race 1: made my way to the start gate in p:2 because I qualified 1 in the second group which gave me second on the gate, which was important at this start to be on the inside!
But unfortunately got together with the riders standing beside me at the start straight so was far back in the pack.. but on the first timing I was at p:12 then made my way up the pack as quick as I could to make the pas for third on the last lap and finished 3rd. I was happy about that comeback, I know I’m in the points for an overall podium!

Sunday: the track was newly prepped and I felt awesome!
Race 2: made an awesome jump of the gate and my Yamaha was really strong on the straight so I ended up taking the holeshot!! But unfortunately dropped to second in the second corner due to wrong line choice but then fastly charged my way passed to 1st and was in the lead for a couple of laps then I go a bit nervous and made some mistakes and struggled a bit so I dropped to 3rd but in the end came back and almost made a pass back to second but didn’t succeed, so I finished 3rd. A little disappointed about that race because if I could have go a clean holeshot and pulled away and not stress the first 10 min I would have been in the shot for my first victory!

Race 3:
Again made a great start and was out of corner 3 in 3rd then pushed and got in to second but after around 10 min made a crash and lost a lot of time and two position so was down in 4th then struggled a bit with my riding but ended up 3rd again in that race. To bad I made that crash, anyway good race. And good focus after the crash.
Overall: P:3 ! Podium awesome. And also moved up to 2nd in the championship just 10 points after the red plate and the lead!! Can’t wait until the next one in Uddevalla a track I like a lot where I have high hopes!
Thanks for everything, couldn’t have came this far without you guys!  

My next race is 18-19/5 Swedish junior championship in Vrigstad.

// Tim Edberg #26

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