tisdag 28 maj 2019

France emx race, 5 stitches

Good tuesday!
Hope that you have had a little better weekend then me, no sorry , I did have a up and down weekend with good starts and with a big crash.
But tough race weekend in France.

Friday was busy fixing the bikes and we were up quite late didn’t really have the same Friday feeling that I use to have. Anyway we did the best out of the situation.

Saturday started of with free practice and that was so much fun because the track was prime. After the free practice I was around 16th place but fell on my fast lap so I knew I had a lot to give In the qualification.
Qualification I got nervous road tight and slow, surprised I even qualified but that was on the edge, p.20 and the last spot to qualify. Felt really bad after that qualification and didn’t have a great or fun feeling. Anyway now I had to go to the gate in 40th place. The last spot.
Race 1: got a gate on the far outside made a great jump of the gate but got parked on the outside of the start corner. But was around 23rd first lap but on a downhill another rider crashed in front of me and I had no where to go so went into his bike and flipped front-ways and crashed big time also got my elbow stuck to something and ripped a big scar in my elbow. Anyway continued the race but just slowly as I was way to far outside top 20. 
After the race had to go to the doctor and they fixed my scar in the elbow who was infected so they had to dig out some meat and then clean it and put 5 stitches. That was really painful. The doctor told me I could race moto 2 but only if I stopped if it started to hurt or whatever and then after the race I hade to come back again so they can se if it had got infected again.
Day 2 and race 2: said to myself I will do the warmup and start of the race and a couple of laps then if it hurts to much which it already did I take an dnf. 
Race 2: made an awesome start was around 10th in the corner and on the first lap 14th then I didn’t feel it at all or didn’t really feel comfortable riding with my bad elbow so I dropped to 20th then pulled in to the pits because of to much pain and not really any good feeling. So dnf. 

Overall this weekend was a big pain and struggle. I really feel like I could have done good here but was unlucky. I don’t blame anything I just look forward to the next race and the next emx250 in Latvia where I will be back showing everyone where I belong.  

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