måndag 8 april 2019

Italy , not as I had in mind

 Sorry to say that I`m disappointed but I wasn’t feeling it at all in Arco.. I struggled big time and couldn’t find the joy In my riding. It’s a tough call definitely, I got surprised about how much it can change just over a week going from an good race in GB to not even qualifying. I can tell you I’m not satisfied and I will improve, I know my speed is great just need to put my shit together every race weekend! 
I can’t blame nothing but myself on this one it’s for sure mental and due to my quite heavy crash earlier this week I think that effected my mindset a bit and also some other small things like Mother Nature.. anyway I did the free practice on bad conditions, but sure it’s the same for everyone but for me it was extra difficult, why? I can’t explain because I’m usually a mud rider type of guy. Was just so stiff. I finished around 20th and I knew it was only practice so no hurry.
Then qualification the track was so difficult I can’t even explain in words how big I struggled I couldn’t get one single lap done good in 30 minutes it was actually a disaster.. made a lap on the last lap but wasn’t even closed to satisfied about it and it showed.. I didn’t qualify. (P.24)
Anyway life is tough sometimes but Im thinking about trying to forget this race ASAP and build confidence and more speed to the next one which will be Swedish championship on a track that I know suits me very well!`

I had some time with some of my Italy sponsors Forma boots and my helmet and clothes sponsor Just 1 

A huge thanks for sticking behind me I’m more than grateful, I can tell you This, I will be back ! 

I`s racingtime !

/Tim Edberg #26 

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