torsdag 4 april 2019

First EMX race of the year, England

Hi everyone
So now it was time again to start up a new season of emx250 this time the opener was I England on a super cool hard pack track named Matterly Basin. 
During this offseason I’ve been working hard on and of the bike and I felt really comfortable as I’ve been practicing hard pack tracks all winter down at Steven Frossard’s place. 
When we arrived at the track I felt really calm and my bike was on point and I had a great feeling, I felt ready. Everything was on point looking at the JWR team tent and bikes  so that was cool. And we were ready. 

Free practice: Me and my dad rolled out to the morning session and I went out on the track and literally had so much fun and just took it as practice and I felt happy with my bike and the track was so much fun. I ended up on a decent 13th place even tho I didn’t make a real fast lap charge.

Time qualification: went out on track last so I had a big gap and then I charged for a first fast lap and after that lap I was 3rd but then the track changed and got better so my time dropped and was all the way down at 18th place but I stayed very calm and mad a great lap in the end and ended up in 9th place which was good! So as I was in the second group I will be lining up at the races in 18th place on the gate which will give me a good inside the dog house gate.

Race one: picked a good gate but made a really bad start and was outside top 30 but on first lap I was around 20 then just charged my way back to 13th then closed the gap to a group of riders in front but made a slight mistake and lost my front end and went down, just lost one spot but I lost a lot of time then it took me 2-3 laps to find my speed again and then closed the gap again and past for 13th place and that’s where I would stay for the rest of the race. But I got a 2 place penalty because I jumped on a waved yellow flag but that’s thing that can happen some times but anyway I learn from my mistakes. Race one place 15th

Race two: I made a better start and was actually like 5th in the corner then I got pushed to the outside so I lost some positions then 2 corners later I got in to i pileup and went down but was fast up again and started my charge again from outside top 30 but I road really well and charged my way up to 11th and also closed the gap to the group in front of me 6-9th place which was cool. But I ended up in 11th place which was good and my speed was really good so I was satisfied.

Overall: overall a great weekend of racing in tuff competition and I’m really happy about the step i made from last year. I for sure think I can be a consistent top 10 guy but my goals now is to go inside top 5 before the season is over. I finished the weekend of in overall 13th. Let’s get ready for the next one in two weeks time in Arco Italy. I will try to improve even more! 
Thanks for all the support I couldn’t have done it without you guys! 

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