onsdag 1 augusti 2018

Back to Swedish Championship , overall 6

So I have been on the bike now for about 3 weeks and I’m starting to feel comfortable!
 Last weekend we had round 4 of Swedish championship at Årsunda and I’m happy about the race and I finished of strong.
We arrived at Årsunda on the Friday and the weather was over 30 degrees so I was expecting a tough race but as we check out the weather it was going to be heavy rain on Saturday and Sunday, which was true.
Training/ qualification : whether was still good so the track was awesome and I found a quite good line around the track and felt comfortable. I made a fast lap that got me to 5th place only 1 sek up to the leader so I felt happy. 

Race one: went out on the gate as 10th and the rain was pouring. Track was so muddy and wet, but as I enjoy mud race I felt good standing there. As the gate felt I was quick of and was around 10th in corner one. Then I felt really not comfortable and dropped back in the pack. I road really stiff and was not feeling as usual.. so I finished on a disappointing 11th place.
Race two: now it had been raining a lot so the track was destroyed but i hoped for a good race. I made a mistake of the gate and ran in to the guy beside me and I almost crashed as I was of the bike on the start straight. Then I made a super good first lap and went from far back in the pack to around 12th and then started my charge back up the pack and I fast was inside top 10 and in the end of the race I was in 7th then made a late race pass to get myself into 6th which I finished. Happy about that. As I road without goggles half Moto also.
Race three: track was still muddy and I made a bad jump of the gate but again a good first lap to get myself into top 10 then road a bit stiff but came back to 7th in the end of the race.
Overall: I’m happy about the weekend finishing 6th overall. Riding isn’t quite there jet and so for my fitness but it’s not so strange after being of the bike for 8 weeks.

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