måndag 23 juli 2018

3e in Mosquito hunt,, Myggjakten

Hi!  I have now been away from racing for 8 weeks and I made my comeback at Myggjakten ( mosquito hunt) in the north of Sweden last week. Myggjakten is a championship that goes on for 1 week and there is 3 races. The first race was in Njurunda, second in Krokom and the third one in Sveg. 

Before these races I’ve been on the bike for about 1.5 week so I wasn’t super prepared but we took this championship as training and I had no expectations on good results from my side.
At the first round at Njurunda the track was stone hard and really dusty, but it was the same for everyone. In race one I did a decent start but road stiff and didn’t feel comfortable at the track but as always I tried my best and I finished 6th. Race two was similar to race one and I felt uncomfortable in the track again and didn’t want to force any mistakes so I finished 6th again as many riders crashed out. In race 3 I did a better start but couldn’t find any smooth lines and struggled to find the pase and after being in 4th place for a long time I backed of the battles and fond myself in 6th again for 5th overall.
First race back was disappointing I couldn’t find my pace even though I did my best. 

Round two in Krokom was better. The track was quite good and I felt better on the bike and more confident. In race one I took the holeshot but lost the lead in the opening lap but stayed just behind the leader. But then I got passed by a faster rider to Finish third in the race. Second race I again took the holeshot but this time I stayed in the lead for a couple laps. Then I got tiered and lost the lead but finished second. 
Race three I made a slightly less good start but soon found myself I 3rd place then I got tiered again( after being away for 8 weeks I lost a lot of my fitness ) but I came back to finish 3rd in that race also. And overall for the day I finished second and I felt quite good on the bike and the track but I’m far away from my old riding that I had before my crash. 
Last race of this championship was at the sand track of Sveg and I knew that it was going to be a struggle with my fitness. Also it was a really hot day and a lot of riders struggled. But I battled through all three races to go 5,5,5 but as I know I’m a lot faster in these conditions sandy and hot and really demanding conditions. But this was all I got for this time and I’m not happy about it but I’m in progress. I did my best and I’m on my way back to the old me, I just need more time to pick up my fitness and feeling on the bike then we are on the right direction back. Overall I finished 3rd in the championship and that’s quite good when I look back at all the struggles, so I must say I’m happy that I’m back and I will do what ever it takes to get me back stronger than I was before! Now I’m at a Swedish team training camp at Uddevalla and I will keep on improving. I will also now have the time to try out the all new 2019 yz250f and I really look forward to it. 

Best regards/ Tim Edberg

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