onsdag 9 maj 2018

MXSM Vissefjarda , Crash bom bang

I'm sorry for my late update on my self but I have been having a little to much pain those last couple of days. 
But here it is,

MxSm Vissefjärda: 
I arrived to the second rd of the Swedish championship in Vissefjärda with confidence. I knew that I had the speed to be a top contender. As I was 5th in the championship after the first round, just a couple of points behind the championship leader. 
The track looked really good I was looking forward to ride. And I was ready to race. Hopping to improve my quite good results from Landskrona to even better. The track should fit me perfect

Training and qualification: we went out on the track for warmup and the track was already quite bumpy and destroyed after all the other classes that already had been out riding. So the track was not as smooth as when I walked the track yesterday. I fast found a good line around the track and was feeling comfortable when the qualification set of. I made some good laps and found myself in 3rd place which is not to bad. But by the time the qualification was over I dropped down to 4th place only 0,2 after 2nd place. That means that I will go out as 8th in the first race later on.

Race 1: got of to a great start, I was actually in 2nd place hunting the leader then after me making some mistakes the leader opened up a gap on me but I was riding steady in 2nd place. Just one and a half lap to go I was getting chased by a faster rider coming true the pack. But as we were closing the gap on the leader he passed me. So I found myself 3rd on the finish line. Which was personal best for my debut year. I wasn’t to happy to lose second that late in the race but I did my best.

Race 2: I was lining up in 3rd place and made a decent start to be just inside top 10 on the opening lap but then just some corners after finish I collided with another rider and I ended up on the ground. So I was way of the pace in about 25th place at that time. I decided to make the best out of it and made some fast passes and had a great flow. I actually got myself up to 5th place but when I was going for the pass on 4th place and that rider just took  me out  spectacularly as he just drove right in the side of my bike damaging my radiator etc. After that I struggled to start the bike and when I did I was in 14th place and with just 2 laps to go I found myself in a really disappointing 12th place as I was so mad and tiered after charging the whole race. I lost a lot of points that race but wasn’t giving up. 

Race 3: went out of the gate with once a gain a great start. Was around 6th place then 5min in to the moto I was in about 4th-5th place when a guy in front of me that I was going to pass got a big high side of a jump section and his bike went from the right side to the left and I couldn’t avoid him because I was in the air on the left side trying to pass him, so I jumped right in to his bike in a really high speed. I crashed out big time and knew directly that something was wrong with my left arm. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t even move. The hospital crew was checking in on me and they were giving me a brace for my neck and they fixed up my elbow that I probably had smashed into the ground cuz it was bleeding. As I said earlier I felt something was of so I just laid there and then they got a ambulance into the area and they took me to the closest hospital.
When I arrived at the hospital they got my neck checked out fast and when they saw that it wasn’t damaged they let me of the neck brace. Afterwards they checked out my elbow, upper arm, collarbone and it looked like I had broken my collarbone.. the elbow was just fine. We decided to go back home to get it check again the day after so we did and it turned out like it was probably not only my collarbone broken ( on the baddest way possible but not out of shape) it turned out that it probably was more stuff damaged so tomorrow I will go and make another X-ray on my left arm to get a better view of what’s broken and not and how we do to fix it in the fastest way possible but also in the best way. I will keep everyone updated when I know more. Thanks for supporting me in these difficult times!


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