onsdag 18 april 2018

EMX250 Agueda Portugal

I have been an raced rd 2 of the Emx 250  in Águeda in Portugal this past weekend. 
It was raining when me and my dad arrived to Águeda and I was expecting a mud race but the track- crew worked really hard on the track and on the Saturday morning it was almost no water left on the track. It was just that they had ripped the track that deep so when we went out on the track we created really big lines all over the track, so the track got really difficult to ride. 

I was out in the first group in the morning for practice and time qualification. It didn’t take to long to get use to the track on practice and I really enjoyed riding. Just about when the practice was going to end and the qualification was going to start I made a big crash down one of the hills. I got real beat up and and I had really big pain in my finger. I all tho got back on the bike and returned to the pit area to fix the bike and then went out on the qualification that already had started. I failed to to get a good lap and when the qualification was over I was about 1 second of to qualify. That means I had to go to the lcq. 
I took of my glove and it was not a good sign, my finger was dislocated ( ringfinger ) , the medical crew did an xray and fixed my finger an stabilized it with tape.

In the lcq I lined up on the outside due to my bad qualification then made a great reaction of the gate but was to far on the outside in the corner. So I started around 30. Then I made a charge and by the second lap I was in 18th place. Then got up to 9th place fast and then got myself up to 8th and that’s where I wold finish. That means I qualified (top 10 qualify) but for the races I had to line up at 38th place. 

Race one: I lined up on the far outside and made a great jump of the gate but when I got to the first corner one rider crashed in front of me and I couldn’t avoid him. So I crashed pretty bad. But I was fast up on the bike again but I was far behind the others but I actually road really well and by lap two I was just behind the others. Then I started passing and really enjoyed riding. I got myself up to around 25th then I stalled the bike in a corner and struggled to get it started. After that I was to far behind but I still continued the race but finished outside the top 30.
Race two: made a bad start and then another rider made so I crashed in the second corner so once again I had to start way of. Then got about two laps and made some passes when I crashed again (it was really muddy) and had to make a dnf due to bike problems. 
Overall disappointed by the results but I really tried my best. Happy that I qualified and got to race. But I will keep improving! Next up Swedish championship 💪 

Hope to see you around !

// Tim #48

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