torsdag 29 mars 2018

EMX 250 in Redsand , Spain

Last weekend I did my first emx250 in redsand. First of all the track was unbelievably good looking, with big jumps and cool layout. The only problem was that everyone had similar speed so it was difficult to make up time. 
As the problem for me was that in the qualification I was about 2,5 seconds of top 10 and didn’t even qualify.. all though I had some smal bike problems in the qualifying and some bad luck but it’s nothing I can blame on that I didn’t qualify. I needed to find some more speed, my speed wasn’t really there.
 I qualified as 30 in my group and had to go to the Lcq (last chance qualifier).
 In the Lcq I made a decent start and on the first lap was in 6th place. I made some passes and got passed by some faster riders and after fighting all race I finished 6th. From the Lcq it’s only 4 riders qualifying so that means I didn’t qualify. All though I managed to get second reserve for the races. I didn’t start in race one because there where no riders out but in the start of the race (which I wasn’t in) it was a big crash and unfortunately some riders had to go to the hospital. So I know that l might be able to ride race two, which I did.
Race two started of with me going out last on the gate and that means I had a really bad gate pic. 

When the race started was I dead last. But during the race I made some passes and drove

quite good. After a long and  tough race I managed to finish of in 26th place. I can’t say I’m happy about the result but I did my best. I was only some seconds of top 20 when we finished the race so it was really close.
This weekend for me was a wake up call. Now I know how fast these guys are and I need to get the work done to achieve my goals. Now I will stay in Spain for about 2 weeks of training before The second round of emx250 in Portugal Agueda. I will try my best to get better results there! Thanks to everyone that supports me at these times!

// Tim #48

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