måndag 19 februari 2018

First international race on 250 bike ,, Mantova

I have done my first race off the season for my italian team, JK Racing and first race on the yz250f, overall I’m happy! 
Race was in Mantova ,Italy. It was the last roaund of the Italian series , before the World Championships begins very soon.
There was so many supergood WC riders here so I was really excited to race them and learn from them.

The weekend started of white free practice and then directly time practice. 
The first lap of the time practice was pretty good, not even close to 100% but a good first lap. After the first lap I was 4th but then I dropped to around 10 - 14th place and I went out on a new fast lap. I made a really fast first section of the track and then the rest was also quite good, except that two jumps before the finish line jump I scrubbed a little bit to hard and my foot and foot peg got stuck in the takeoff, so I made a huge crash. I had pain in my back and head so I didn’t continue (also the session was over). I did tho manage to qualify for the race (19th). Which was really good and important.

All tho I had pain I decided to race. As I qualified 19th I had to line up at 37th place on the start which wasn’t optimal but I had no other choice.
I made a great jump of the gate from the outside and drifted my way into the middle and avoided a crash on the inside and managed to be around 5th place in the second corner! After this I road a bit stiff and lost some positions to faster riders. At this point I was around 14th place. With just two laps to go I made some fast passes on some fast riders to end up in 10th place, which I’m really happy about!
This also means that I qualified for the super final whit the 450 guys and had lined up as 10th which was really cool!

I had some pain while I was riding and it was difficult to move around on the bike because I was so stiff in my back.
The super final started of pretty good I was around 29th after a couple o laps but due to the pain in my back and that I was really tired in my head and whole body I decided to quit the race (dnf).
But overall a great weekend with good riding and some good result, now I know I have the speed and I will try to recover fast. In this race it was a lot of really fast mx2 riders and I’m happy to finish top 10 with these guys. Really looking forward to the first emx250 race in Spain in a couple of weeks, I know I have the speed and willingness to succeed.

I`m ready for the future.

// Tim #48

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