fredag 18 augusti 2017

Emx in Switzerland, not so ....

Emx 125 in Switzerland:

Friday: I arrived at the track quite early and it was raining big time, the track was so wet. But the track layout was so nice, with some nice jumps and good flow in the track. They had ripped the track so it was very soft after all the rain and it looked difficult for tomorrow's practice and qualification that is first in the morning, but it's the same for everyone, actually I was looking forward to a nice mud bath.

Free practice: the track was as I expected very muddy and soft but it was fun riding around in the mud. The track it self was fun and I posted the fastest lap time of the free practice and was in good shape for the qualification.

Qualification: I timed the change from free practice to qualification good and was one of the first guys out on the qualification. I made a decent first lap and was around 5th and went in to the pits for put of some mud from the bike because all the mud was heavy. I went out in the mud again to try post one more fast lap but as the track got more difficult and slippery a lot of riders crashed and it was yellow flags a lot and was hard to make a lap, so i did not put any faster lap. When the session was finished I was in 8th place which is not to bad in these conditions.

Race one: I qualified in 8th position in my group so I had the 15th gate pic for the races which was ok. I lined up on the 5th gate from the inside but mad a really bad start was outside point the first couple of laps but with good riding I managed to get up to 14th in the middle of the race and closed the gap on  the guys in front but I struggled big time with passing, and did not manage to get any further to the front so I ended up in 14th place. Even though the results wasn't were I cold have been I am really happy about the riding!

Race two: I lined up on the same gate and made a okay start, and some really good first corners and was up around 12th place when on rider crashed on the inside and I went for the outside rut but it was really slippery out of the corner so I mad a crash and got ran over, something hit the back of my foot and got a scar on the back of my leg(foot). I continued to ride but after a while my foot hurt more and more but also my back started to hurt (because my crash in Lommel) and decided to go out of the race. It was a DNF cold not done so much about it but some times, life is hard.

Overall: disappointed weekend again, because I really felt I had a lot more to give. Now I look ahead, and bring my the positive to the last round of the Emx in my lone country. Will be cool to see all my supporters, really looking forward!!

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