mÄndag 17 juli 2017

First swedish championship round for me, 4a

Mxsm and Nordic championship in Varberg: the track was small and it was very hard to pass another rider because the track was almost just one line, but it's the same for everyone. Except that the track was tight it was a fun track.

Saturday: the day started with free practice and time practice and I had the 2 fastest lap time in both sessions only some one hundreds of a second after the winner. But it gave me a good position on the gate, I lined up as 3rd. I felt good and everything was rolling.

Race 1:  Good jump of the gate and I was around 5 in the first turn. The guys in front of me had good speed and I did my best to keep up. In the middle of the race I was in 3rd but had a slight mistake and one of the fast home riders passed me and I lost a bit of time but I came back and it was drag race to the finnish line with three riders but I ended up in a disappointed 4 position. I had some problems in the beginning, I felt stiff and find no rythm but as the Moto went on I find some good speed and I was really strong.

Race 2: It rain very hard and it was to be a big mud race, happy that I prepared my Scott prospect goggles in perfect shape and the race started of with me getting a okay jump of the gate and I was around 8 in the first couple of turns, but I fast made my way up to 4 and after first lap I find myself in 3 and right behind the championship leader, I I tried my best to pass but the track was only one line almost so it was hard, I had some locations were I tried but I was all the time a little bit to far behind I made a little stop to fix with my goggles and I lost some time but I was fast back right behind the second guy and made a charge in the last lap were I also posted the fastest lap time of the race but it was just not enough, I was 0,3 seconds after in the finnish line and just 2 seconds after the winner. Disappointed again with losing just with some seconds but it is how it is, I made my best but I now I can more.

Overall: going 4th and 3rd in the motos resulting in a 4th position overall, in the same point as 3rd and just 2 points after second. I am disappointed not going on the podium but it was thug with the conditions and fast riders. I felt all weekend that I was slipping on the finish line, and I'm tired of getting in 4 overall đŸ€”, but I'll keep my speed up and hoping for good racing in Estonia Juniors world championship in a couple of weeks.

Big thanks to Yamaha Scandinavia ( it was fun to be under this tent agine) , 
Mafi thanks you for letting me be under your wings (nice to meat you agine ,Pierre)
and a thanks to Kumlins suspention for your fantastic support for me.
Thanks to my team MJC for letting me race on one of my EMX racebikes.

// Tim Edberg #16

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