måndag 10 juli 2017

Emx 125 of Agueda (Portugal)

Friday: I arrived to the track early on Friday and the track was looking really nice, the layout was super cool. I walked the track sometimes with my coach Steven Frossard and I felt pretty confident looking at the track, even that it was hard pack (my typical material is sand). After some problem the weekend before heading to Portugal me and my team decided to change the suspension from my race bike to my training bike because i felt more comfortable on the training suspension, and I had tested more with the training bike. As I said before I felt confident and I really looked forward to race, everything was good, I did not feel so much pressure also.

Saturday: the training was quite early today but i was prepared. I rolled out on the first lap on the track and it took me some time to find the speed but I got one lap done and ended up in p:17, now it was time for the qualification. The qualification started of with me getting a pretty solid lap I was in top 15, but after I struggled to get the hundreds of a seconds at my advantage and ended up in p:23 with less than a second to p:10. So I will line up for the races in p:23, which is ok because it was only one group this race (not over 50 riders entering) and a lot of rider on the same time on the track.
Race one: I rolled out on the gate from p:23, and I made an decent start and was after two corners in the top 20 and started my work. After the first laps I was around p:13 and slowly started to find good speed and flow I was soon inside the top ten and was in the middle of the moto at p:8, I lost one position in the end but I was quite happy going 9 in the first moto and I felt like I had find my old flow again (after some small injuries).

Sunday: today the weather kicked in and it was more challenging with the heat again.
But it's the same for everyone.
Race 2: we discussed an new tactic for the start this time with me rolling out in the middle of the pack (where it on the start straight was really muddy) we decided to go out on the far outside to miss the water in the middle and inside, and it kind of worked I was out around 20, and I stayed around p:17 maby tree laps and after that I started to charge and after some battles with some riders and also the heat I found my self in position 13, which is where I will finish the race.

Overall: overall it was a good weekend with me finding some good speed but also some ok finishes, p:9 and p:13 fore going p:8 overall!
I will now go home to Sweden after being 9 weeks outside home, and I will start my training for the Junior world championship in Estonia in a couple of weeks. 

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