måndag 10 juli 2017

Emx 125 Ottobiano

Mxgp of Ottobiano didn't go as planned, it started with me riding really tight and not relaxed on the warm up and and did not find the flow till the 20min qualification, that is directly after the warm up. The qualification started with me getting in traffic and I struggled to get even one lap, but that's not an excuse. I gave it all I had and I think that's the problem, instead of riding with flow and confident I road stiff and hard and it was very heavy. I think the problem was my expectations on myself and I did not relax. I ended up outside the top 15 and did not qualify, instead I got to the last chance race were I made an ok start I was top 10 and after some laps I put on my charge and ended up in position 2, I did not push from the beginning because all riders in the last chance race are crazy, and this was my last chance to qualify. As I know I'm one of the strongest guys out there so I put on my charge after maybe 10 min and ended up in position 2 witch in my expectations was really god, because when you are on the gate for the last chance race it really is your last chance, and everything can happen. So I'm happy to qualify, my position on the gate to the races will then be 32.

Race one: I had gate 32 witch on this start line is very bad (it's on the far outside) so my start was the same. On the first lap I was way outside the points (top 20) and started working, but this day it was 38 degrees so it was very heavy. I road my race and was in p:16 in the last laps and I had just closed the gap to a lot of riders in a group (position 15-9) but I did not have enough time, tried my best and ended up in p:15. The race was ok if I look back at my conditions starting in way back in the pack.

Race two: I made an bad start again (bad gate pic) I was outside point started to push and I was running in p:20 when I made an big mistake in the wave section, ending up with a big crash. In the crash I some how lost my throttle grip and front break. When I got up I quickly put the throttle back so I could roll in the pits and get it fixed, when my mechanic was finish with fixing the bike I was already 2 laps down of the leaders. But I got back on the track, and just road my race alone, I passed some guy but it didn't help because I was then one lap down of them. But I road my race, had fun, find some flow and had a good time riding. Also this day it was very hot wether outside so it was heavy.

Overall: it's been a very hard weekend with bad riding that I want to put beside me, I know I can do a lot better then p15 and (p31) and I'm already looking forward to the next race. Keep on pushing!  

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