måndag 13 augusti 2018

Broken knuckle

Hey everyone, as some of you might know I made a slight mistake and crashed (lowe side) while testing suspension yesterday ,11aug and ended up with a broken knuckle bone in my left hand (pointfinger). As you can see on the pictures.

The bone was out of it’s original shape so yesterday before they put it in a brace they did a try to pull it back in place and it got a little bit better but as the bone is rotated they will need to make an operation on it, and the operation will be done in a couple of days. I’ll keep you guys updated.

Thanks to the guys helping me out at the track yesterday! And everyone sticking behind me even through though times like these. Can’t say that this year has been as expected due to injury’s. But I’ll give it a rest now, again. To come back even stronger for the last couple of races that’s left of this season.

Thanks for your support!!

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